Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cutting Soap

One my favorite things about making soap is cutting it into bars.  I don’t know why that is, but it’s really enjoyable.  We make about 2-5 batches every time we ‘cook’ so the next day is always fun because we get to cut all the bars apart or pop them from the plastic molds.
Something about piles of homemade soap on a cookie sheet is really pleasing, and it’s hard to explain.  The little shavings that litter the floor and table usually get smashed into the wood before they can be whipped up leaving a lovely smell.  Also, dealing with un-cured soap means your hands end up very soft and smooth.

It is possible to feel nostalgia for something you never really experienced, and making something like soap makes you feel like you are connecting to a not so far way past.  Making these large batches to be stored for later use makes you feel like you are preparing for something important.  Putting the necessities up for later use makes you feel self sufficient, at least it does for me.

There are a lot of things I rely on other people to do for me.  I can’t fix my car, I can’t make the fabric of my clothing, and as much as I try I can’t really grow vegetables, but I can make soap, and I love that.    

1 comment:

  1. You will need lots of soap for the boys because I'm sure they are going to get very dirty...
